Tuesday 1 June 2004

Back to work

Back to work

I've come back to work today after the bank holiday, for those of you outside the UK this our spring holiday when we have an extra Monday off. So where do I start; my wife and beautiful daughter have gone to stay with her brother for a few weeks, empty house and peace and quiet!!!! Have been busy putting posters up for our memorial event for our father who passed away 15 years ago; it's a Muslim religious event to remember him and the great Muslim saint Hazrat Khawaja Zindapeer (May Allah be please with him). It's happening on Saturday 12th June 2004 in Rochdale, see my website for more details on www.mohammedshafiq.org.uk

Work is great at the moment, got a couple of new jobs lined up, will let you know the outcome soon. I have to say something very important, the elections on June 10th are a great opportunity for those of you like me who opposed the illegal war in Iraq and the continued illegal occupation to give the sitting Government a bloody nose; a vote for Labour is a vote for their action in Iraq, please vote for Liberal Democrat candidates as they were the only mainstream party to oppose war and continued questions on Iraq are still been asked by Charles Kennedy and his team, vote for Lib Dems in local, European and London Mayoral elections, thats Simon Hughes MP in London, the best man for the job of Mayor, a vote for Ken Livingstone is a vote for an illegal war in Iraq, do not be deceived by Ken's insistence that he opposed war and that a vote for Labour is a vote of confidence in Blair actions in Iraq.

My colleagues in America please vote for John Kerry to oust Mr Bush, he is so out of touch with reality. More on this soon.

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